Free WebSite SEO Audit
WebSite Technical SEO Ranking Factors
Make you website as easy as possible for Search Engines like Google to crawl you website and index your content.
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Errors, Warnings and Notices
Errors: High priority issues that need your immediate attention
Warnings: Issues that may not block your SEO, but should be fixed.
Notices: Helpful ideas to make your website even better.
Metrics that the Audit checks for:
structured data items are invalid
pages have duplicate meta descriptions
issues with duplicate title tags
pages have duplicate content issues
page has slow load speed
pages returned 5XX status code
pages returned 4XX status code
pages don’t have title tags
internal links are broken
pages couldn’t be crawled
pages couldn’t be crawled (DNS resolution issues)
pages couldn’t be crawled (incorrect URL formats)
internal images are broken
Robots.txt file has format errors
sitemap.xml files have format errors
incorrect pages found in sitemap.xml
pages have a WWW resolve issue
pages have no viewport tag
pages have too large HTML size
AMP pages have no canonical tag
issues with hreflang values
hreflang conflicts within page source code
issues with incorrect hreflang links
non-secure pages
issues with expiring or expired certificate
issues with old security protocol
issues with incorrect certificate name
issues with mixed content
No redirect or canonical to HTTPS homepage from HTTP version
redirect chains and loops
AMP HTML issues
AMP style and layout issues
AMP templating issues
pages with a broken canonical link
pages have multiple canonical URLs
pages have a meta refresh tag
issues with broken internal JavaScript and CSS files
subdomains don’t support secure encryption algorithms
sitemap.xml files are too large
links couldn’t be crawled (incorrect URL formats)
pages are missing the viewport width value
pages have low text-HTML ratio
issues with uncached JavaScript and CSS files
issues with unminified JavaScript and CSS files
external links are broken
external images are broken
links on HTTPS pages leads to HTTP page
pages don’t have enough text within the title tags
pages have too much text within the title tags
pages don’t have an h1 heading
pages have duplicate H1 and title tags
pages don’t have meta descriptions
pages have too many on-page links
URLs with a temporary redirect
images don’t have alt attributes
pages have too many parameters in their URLs
pages have no hreflang and lang attributes
pages don’t have character encoding declared
pages don’t have doctype declared
pages have a low word count
pages have incompatible plugin content
pages contain frames
pages have underscores in the URL
outgoing internal links contain nofollow attribute
Sitemap.xml not indicated in robots.txt
Sitemap.xml not found
Homepage does not use HTTPS encryption
subdomains don’t support SNI
HTTP URLs in sitemap.xml for HTTPS site
uncompressed pages
issues with blocked internal resources in robots.txt
issues with uncompressed JavaScript and CSS files
pages have a JavaScript and CSS total size that is too large
pages use too many JavaScript and CSS files
link URLs are too long
links have no anchor text
pages have more than one H1 tag
orphaned pages in sitemaps
links have non-descriptive anchor text
pages have only one incoming internal link
subdomains don’t support HSTS
pages are blocked from crawling
page URLs are longer than 200 characters
outgoing external links contain nofollow attributes
Robots.txt not found
pages have hreflang language mismatch issues
pages blocked by X-Robots-Tag: noindex HTTP header
issues with blocked external resources in robots.txt
issues with broken external JavaScript and CSS files
pages need more than 3 clicks to be reached
URLs with a permanent redirect
resources are formatted as page link
links to external pages or resources returned a 403 HTTP status code